Why do we get sick more often in the cold months of Winter?

flu-Runny NoseMany ideas float around trying to explain the familiar experience of why we get sick much more frequently as the calendar shifts toward Winter. A common theory: the drop in temperature makes it hard for our bodies to resist germs. Another folk-wisdom: colder weather means being shut indoors more often, in close quarters with people who are sick or at least carrying germs is what leads to illness. As with most commonly held beliefs, there is at least a thread of common sense about this connection of colder weather with colds and flus. But for anyone who has had a summer cold, these theories only take us so far. Each holds a clue, but does not completely solve the puzzle of how, why & when we succumb to bacteria, virus or any other microbes.

Germs are always around! In greater or lesser concentrations, in stronger or weaker forms. ( I hope it does not lead anyone to germ phobia, but: Germs? Ubiquitous. Ever present. All four seasons. : (( What is good is that the body’s defenses can be strengthened and protected with a little bit of awareness and a little bit of care & planning.
Ayurveda has a lot to say about why this time of year is more difficult, as do many practitioners who recommend remedies that work on the same general theories as Ayurvedic principles. ( I have excerpted a good number of them, and their reference links, below. )

First principle: When it comes to maintaining healthy immunity, diet and digestion is paramount. Sixty to ninety percent ( estimates vary) of the immune system’s defenses are in the gut, so keeping your ‘plumbing’ clear and well tuned is essential to fighting endemic germs.

cold_and_flu_virus_compositeWhat the season has to do with getting sick so much more frequently is two-fold:
First: the season plays havoc with your diet – We want to fully enjoy all the rich foods and heavy meals that make celebrating the holidays so much fun!
Furthermore, the colder, darker part of the year means Nature is losing energy too. Plants go dormant, animals hibernate. Our bodies suffer a relative loss of vitality too. In Ayurveda we call it Prana—Life Force Energy. What it means is that our bodies have less vital force to deal with maintaining ourselves. And less vitality to digest or properly process foods with.

So if the body’s main defense against microbes is in the digestive tract, and the digestive tract is weaker already, and then it is being overcome by excessively rich, sugary, or otherwise hard-to-process foods. . . . .No Wonder we get sick with viruses!

We need to eat foods that are more vital ( fresh, unadulterated and sustaining ) and closer to their harvest. We need to take care not to overdo it with heavy meals ( Thanksgiving .. . ? Party buffets & banquets . . .? ) We can take some days of semi- fasting or only eating light meals to give the digestion time to rest and process what we have given it so far.
Keep your immunity vital, keep your awareness strong and clear regarding your intake. There are many more remedies and strategies and I hope to present them to those who would like to attend a short workshop.  Let me know if this interests you.

These sites endorse a few different approaches. I am not advocating any of these sites particularly, they each have valuable and interesting information.

Think about this little factoid: the human gastro-intestinal tract houses the bulk of the human immune system, about 70% of it. Read more: http://www.marksdailyapple.com/gut-flora-healthy-immune-system/#ixzz2GCx3b2Xm
Over 60% of your immune system is contained in your gut. Remember those ads about topping up your ‘good bacteria’ – well they have the right idea. http://www.pickthebrain.com/blog/your-gut-5-things-you-didnt-know/
Most people don’t know that 60-70% of their immune system is located in the gut as a vast network of lymph tissue referred to as GALT (gut associated lymphatic tissue).
90% of your immune system is located in your gut It’s no wonder that we developed a powerful system of defense in the mucus lining of our digestive tract. Our body wants to keep us safe from toxins, bugs and irritants.
Most people, including many physicians, do not realize that 80 percent of your immune system is located in your digestive system, making a healthy gut a major focal point if you want to maintain optimal health. Remember, a robust immune system is your number one defense system against ALL disease.
For example, an estimated 80 percent of your immune system is actually located in your gut, so supporting your digestive health is essential to also supporting your immune system, which is your number one defense system against ALL disease.
Many people would be surprised that the immune system, the gastro-intestinal tract and stress interact, but that is what the most recent of a number of studies shows.
Gut flora and the development of the Immune System Very scientific and detailed analysis, including INTESTINAL MICROFLORA OF NEWBORN INFANTS: http://sp11symbiosis.providence.wikispaces.net/Gut+flora+and+the+development+of+the+Immune+System
Another very scientific study: Gut Bacteria Play Key Role in Immune System