Ayurveda is one of the sister sciences of Yoga, initially developed about 5,000 years ago. Ayurveda is the knowledge of the body and the lifestyle practices that support optimal health and avoidance of disease.

Banyan Botanicals resources for Ayurvedic oils, supplements, information and more
Banyan Botanicals Dosha Quiz

Dr. Robert Svoboda   (A brilliant teacher I have had the good fortune to study with) 

Dr. Claudia Welch  (A brilliant teacher I have had the good fortune to study with) 

The Ayurvedic Institute

American Institute of Vedic Studies

Jiva Ayurvedic Research Institute

Maharishi Vedic Health Center – in Lancaster Massachusetts

Holistic Online – Ayurveda “Homepage”

Please let me know when you find links that are no longer active. Please let me know if you have suggestions for me to consider including. I do not make any representation that any of these links is anything other than good information for your education.