What are Doshas?

When I mention doshas, many people say “Oh, Dr Oz was talking about that, isn’t that body types?”  It is that, and so much more.

The Sanscrit word Ayurveda means Life (Ayur) Wisdom (Veda). In Ayurveda, the qualities and elements in all of nature are thought of as manifesting three predominant categories known as Vata, Pitta, and Kapha. These are called Doshas.


If we understand and work with these natural forces, we can enhance our health immensely and avoid disease and aging to a much greater extent possible than if we ignore how the influences of nature all around us work.  Very briefly:

Vata (Air and Ether, or Space) is light, mobile, cold, rough and dry.  A February wind is the example that always comes to mind for me.

Kapha (Water and Earth) is oily, cool, dense, stable, soft and smooth. The protective mucus that lines the respiratory and digestive tracts of mammals is a good example of Kapha.

Pitta (Fire and Water) is hot, sharp, fluid, clear, light.  A hot July day at high noon is a good example, and fiery temperament also demonstrates these qualities.

These archetypal characteristics or attributes are nearly always combined together, and

influence each other.  When in balance, they provide an ideal  stability and energy to support optimal growth and development of all elements of nature ( us humans included!)

Learn more about your dosha to be able to support your best health and vitality.  (Here is a quiz sponsored by Banyan Botanicals. ) There are many simple practices that can ease the bumps and challenges of everyday existence, and enhance your path to self fulfillment.
Here are more Dosha questionnaires to ponder:
From the Ayurveda  Experience
From Joyful Belly 
From Chopra Center
From Maharishi Ayurveda
From Yoga International