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Sleepy time magic

I have dealt with insomnia myself, on and off, for a few years. I have a much better handle on it now, and I have a huge bag of tricks to share. [See this site for dozens of links to sleep resources.]For now I will share this one: It is tasty and soothing. Traditional...

Ghee, the pure gold of Ayurveda!

Making Ghee Ghee is the traditional oil for cooking in  Indian cuisine and is also used for preparing many herbal treatments. The higher smoke point makes Ghee an excellent oil for any heating techniques and it is DELICIOUS. Ghee helps food and nutritional...

Everyday Help: Abdominal breathing

One of the best tools you can have in your back pocket for dealing with everyday stress and tension, or with episodes of pain and discomfort, is your breath. When you are in pain, or when you are worried, tense, or anxious, your breath probably becomes...

Ayurvedic Doshas

What are Doshas? When I mention doshas, many people say "Oh, Dr Oz was talking about that, isn't that body types?"  It is that, and so much more. The Sanscrit word Ayurveda means Life (Ayur) Wisdom (Veda). In Ayurveda, the qualities and elements in all of...


What is Ojas?   Ojas is a Sanskrit word used in the practice of Ayurveda to describe any of the following: bodily strength, energy, power, vigor, and vitality. When you're feeling tired, depressed, worn out, and dried up, it usually means you've tapped out...

Yoga Therapy – What is it?

Yoga Therapy- A full spectrum approach to healing In very simplest terms, yoga therapy is: using all the tools in yoga’s mind-body tool kit to create the best possible balance and wellness at all levels of human experience.   Yoga has a unique...