Golden Slumber LINKS -Tools to Improve your sleep

Many Approaches: Achieve Golden Slumber!   Using the techniques described in these links may help you improve your sleep. Take a look and try to these many tools and options. What happens when you sleep?  A review of our human systems and the benefits we need...

Vata Dosha

What is Vata? Ayurveda is a wellness science and perspective that comes from observing nature.   By developing insight,  wisdom and knowledge from nature we can maximize our health and minimize imbalances in our bodies, minds and emotions....

Ghee, the pure gold of Ayurveda!

Making Ghee Ghee is the traditional oil for cooking in  Indian cuisine and is also used for preparing many herbal treatments. The higher smoke point makes Ghee an excellent oil for any heating techniques and it is DELICIOUS. Ghee helps food and nutritional...

Ayurvedic Doshas

What are Doshas? When I mention doshas, many people say “Oh, Dr Oz was talking about that, isn’t that body types?”  It is that, and so much more. The Sanscrit word Ayurveda means Life (Ayur) Wisdom (Veda). In Ayurveda, the qualities and...


Ayurveda is one of the sister sciences of Yoga, initially developed about 5,000 years ago. Ayurveda is the knowledge of the body and the lifestyle practices that support optimal health and avoidance of disease. Banyan Botanicals resources for Ayurvedic oils,...