Everyday Help: Abdominal breathing

One of the best tools you can have in your back pocket for dealing with everyday stress and tension, or with episodes of pain and discomfort, is your breath. When you are in pain, or when you are worried, tense, or anxious, your breath probably becomes very shallow....


What is Ojas?   Ojas is a Sanskrit word used in the practice of Ayurveda to describe any of the following: bodily strength, energy, power, vigor, and vitality. When you’re feeling tired, depressed, worn out, and dried up, it usually means you’ve tapped out...

Colds and Flus? How to avoid them!

Why do we get sick more often in the cold months of Winter? Many ideas float around trying to explain the familiar experience of why we get sick much more frequently as the calendar shifts toward Winter. A common theory: the drop in temperature makes it hard for our...