Prenatal Yoga

You, Your Baby, and Yoga:  Prenatal Yoga

Moms to be: Nurture yourself – prepare for labor and the changes ahead. Our practice is gentle stretching- and meditation- focused. We learn to RELAX and reduce stress at home or at work through the experiences in class. Enjoy this precious time!

This class is appropriate for any part of your pregnancy.

While some women have care-free, easy pregnancies, many have discomforts and challenges that are typical and common.  Especially if you are feeling some discomfort that is normal for pregnancy, we can work together to release and relieve aches and pains through strengthening, stretching and most important of all, focused and deep relaxation.

I felt nice and loose after, and even a tad sore from stretching areas I’m not used to. I felt good when I laid down to sleep, much less tight. I hope to come to some more classes before baby is due! I also wanted to acknowledge that the class was very welcoming and low key, I was a bit nervous about what to expect and I feel like it was great, and you would work with anyone no matter their skill or ability level. That’s fantastic! Now I know why my mother speaks so highly of you!  ~KG

All participants need to check with their own medical care providers about joining the class. Classes are ongoing and you may join at any time, space permitting. Register Early, sometimes this class gets full. Please check the Schedule for occasional cancellations due to holidays, weather, etc.  
prenatal yoga

Saturdays,   11:00 am – 12:30 pm All Hearts Center for Yoga and Wellness 12 Case Street, Suite 208 Norwich Sign up here for Prenatal classes

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