Plain Ginger tea is very helpful at this time of year for at least two reasons:

It boosts digestion, and digestion is where a lot of the microbes are killed off.  (Ninety percent of the lymphatic system is in your gut!) If your diet is overloaded with a lot of heavy foods (cheese, dairy, sugars)  the digestion has to focus on  processing that, and the bacteria & viruses get a foothold in our systems.  Ginger helps clear & cleanse the digestive system so it can more effectively fight off the bad guys.

Many people really like plain ginger tea: slice a few inches of fresh ginger ( Any grocery store has it) into thin pieces and simmer for half an hour or longer.  Sweeten or drink it plain.  Especially if you already have a cold or flu it should help clear your system out.

The second thing that is GREAT about ginger tea in winter is that it is WARMING. Get toasty from the inside out.

If you are more adventurous, here is a recipe that adds a few more warming and cleansing spices.  I think you will really enjoy it:

Chai Tea

2” – 3” Fresh Ginger root  or a teaspoon of dried, powdered
Cinnamon ~ 1 stick or a few pinches powdered
Cardamom ~ 6 pods or a few pinches powdered
Nutmeg ~ 1 big pinch
Pepper ~ 4-6 pepper corns or or a pinch powdered
Cloves ~ 4 – 6 cloves or a tiny pinch powder ed
Allspice ~ 4-6 berries or a pinch powdered

Slice ginger root thinly.  Put ginger and all spices in 3-4 quarts of water, and bring to a boil.   Simmer together for minimum 20 minutes, up to 1 hour.  Refrigerate after 1 day, and drinking it chilled is good also.  Strain the spices out when it is finished simmering, before drinking or refrigerating.

Add black tea if you wish.  Add soy, rice, dairy or almond milk, and any sweetener if you wish.  I drink it ‘straight up’.

You can find the whole spices at a whole food grocery like the Willimantic Food Coop or Fiddleheads in New London.  They work a little better than powdered spices, but it is delicious either way.