What people are saying

I will always remember walking in to my first yoga class with Carol.  She walked right over to me, shook my hand, introduced herself and welcomed me.  From that time forward, I always felt that I belonged.  I had never been welcomed to any class in such a warm manner.  Over the last 6-7 years, I have watched her do that with every new student who comes along.  That means so much, especially if you are by yourself.

I recommend Carol’s studio to anyone.  It is such a friendly and inviting atmosphere, and the level of knowledge and experience is outstanding.

Barb Miller,  Griswold


I have been attending Yoga practice for about 10 years, the last year and a half or so with Carol at All Hearts.  I would be lost without this.  Yoga gives me a time to let my mind quiet down, and focus on my breathing and body movements.  A time just to “be”.  This kept me sane while I was working at a fairly stressful job, and has been equally important as I transitioned into retirement.  It is something I really look forward to.

Yoga has kept me flexible, strong, and confident in my body, and I can use the relaxation and breathing techniques I learn in the studio back in the real world.

Carol is a great instructor, warm and caring.  She is always aware of form, and offers gentle corrections or suggestions to adapt a pose or movement to the individual.  Her classes, designed around the needs of her students, can be challenging but never abusive, and she continually reminds us to pay attention to our own bodies.  She is always learning, and obviously loves what she does.  Her studio offers a host of “props” to enhance our practice, as well as additional classes different from but complementary to Yoga.  I am very happy to have found Carol and the other instructors at All Hearts.       CS


I think that I attend yoga for many reasons. I like the exercise, I like the camaraderie, and friendship. Everyone is welcome and welcoming.  I have asthma and I think that yoga helps my lungs. My asthma is very much under control with my medication. I walk and hike, but yoga uses every muscle, and eases the tension in the “helper muscles” in my back that help with normal lung function. You tend to stretch more with the gentle and gradual process in yoga.


I have taken yoga classes with other instructors, and Carol is by far the best. Not only does she get you into the postures, she has a knack for describing what to do to enhance that experience. Many instructors teach by telling you the name of the posture and automatically assuming you know what that is. You may know it but there are always ways to get a little more out of the pose, and Carol is a genius at that.  Yoga class is always fun, and always different. Some days the practice is more strenuous than others. Class always seems to whiz right by. Yoga with Carol is always a pleasure!! Love it!

The facility is clean, well organized and cozy.  VC


Why I come to yoga!?  Most of all…its ME time!    Yoga for me (whether @ home or in class) lets me step away from life’s hassles, calm my thoughts, slows down my breathing, lets me ease out of a tense body to stretch & relax and feel whole once again.     Besides, I’ve met a great group of friends and we’ve learned it’s ok to laugh at ourselves!    We laugh, have fun, get down to serious business then laugh some more, only to find total bliss at the end of class with conscious  relaxation.   What could be better? 

I had a sciatic issue I was dealing with for a couple weeks a while back.  Gentle yoga stretching finally released the “pinch” and I haven’t had an issue since.  Yoga Rocks!  Fascia Rocks too!

Carol has been a great yoga mentor for a dozen years to me.  Her patience, gentle guidance and step by step vocal cues makes it easy to figure out what you need to do, EVEN if you are doing a forward bend or laying on your stomach not looking at her.   I like the fact that she reminds us to “honor our bodies”; because my yoga practice is unique to me….my poses shouldn’t look like the person’s next to me, we ARE different bodies.     Carol is also a great friend & confidant!   Love her!!!               TL


I attended my first yoga class with Carol several years ago.  As I got involved in a regular practice, I wondered how I had managed without yoga up until then.  The sense of centeredness and tranquility which the practice brings has helped me with stress management and has made it easier for to recover from my weight training activities.  About a year and a half ago, I awoke with back pain.  I’ve never had back pain before, and to me, the pain felt severe.  I started doing yoga and felt immediate improvement.  Since then, I have found that keeping up the practice leads to enhanced body awareness and fewer muscle strains at the gym.  I have also greatly appreciated Carol’s knowledge of physiology and her concise explanations of the different poses.  That, and the sense of fun brought to each class, is why yoga is an essential part of my life.                             HA


I love going to yoga because I feel better physically after-more stretched out- and it is the only time I do anything for myself during the week. I really think it helps me to relax throughout the week. I wish I could go to more than one class but there are too many other demands on my time right now. I also prefer to take classes with you because I like the pace of your class, you want everyone to do what they’re comfortable with. Also you come around during class to correct our positions which is very helpful. You’re also down to earth and easy going. So Yay for yoga!         LP


Yoga relaxes me and invigorates me.  I have to give credit to my yoga practice for the body strength I’ve been able to maintain over the years.  ( Which comes in very handy in a blizzard!  Thank you, Charlotte.)  Thank you for being there with classes and workshops that challenge me.                      LF


I have been taking Yoga with you for about 15 years and I keep coming back. I do have rheumatoid arthritis and am very lucky to be able to do everything I want to do, and yoga has helped me with that goal. I am more flexible now than I have ever been and my joints never hurt after we do yoga. My body misses it when i am not able to attend for a period of time. Although I do some yoga stretches at home, I miss the structure of Carol’s classes and the routines.

I have taken yoga with a few other teachers, and I have always come back to Carol’s classes because they move from floor to sitting and standing in a planned-organized way, causing less stress on my joints compared to how other teachers do the poses and stretches. This is very helpful for me. She helps me learn adaptations and alternative positions if I am unable to move a certain way. Her training has made her very responsive to the needs of the participants. Carols classes are for inner strength and peace and mindfulness, not for the athletics which some teachers and students want in yoga. But I feel we do the sun salutation, dancer pose and fish poses as well as anyone. I highly recommend her classes over other I have taken in the past.

Her new studio has all the necessary equipment needed for yoga positions, which Carol was unable to cart with her in the past. The room has just enough space for a good size class. Carol has partnered with other teachers who have different classes, one of which I have attended and know it augments what I have learned from Carol’s classes.  JB


Yoga with Carol helps us (me) take advantage of the great need to ‘stop the world’….if only for an hour or so…..in other words, in this crazy, busy, multi-tasking world most of us live in…..we need something that forces us to s-t-o-p and listen. Only by doing this will there be any hope of our bodies & minds experiencing some measure of peace.   And….thank you, dear Carol, for giving us this most needed opportunity. CE 


Reflections on Yoga
Is yoga good for you? Yup.
Is yoga good for your body? Yup.
Is yoga good for the mind? Yup.
All of these things are true and many people have written about the positives of yoga, all of them describing it much better than I can.

My own story is this: When I started yoga, I was grossly overweight and totally unfit. For many months I was restricted to chair yoga because physically I could not get down on the floor and back up again. Two years later, I have gone from a size 20/22 to a 12/14. I attribute it all to yoga.

Did yoga change me? I like to say that yoga did not change me. What yoga did for me and what it can do for you is to help you remove obstacles that obscure who you really are.  I did not lose 65 pounds by doing yoga poses. I have seen profound changes in my  life, relationships, and worldviews. Yoga didn’t do this. Yoga helped me, and continues to help me become my best self. My best self is the one that made the changes necessary to change my lifestyle and my outlook. I doubt I would have found my best self without yoga. Find your best self. You will be amazed.

When looking to start a yoga practice, shop around. Yoga is really popular right now and that is as it should be. Along with its popularity comes “pop-up” yoga studios. You want to look for an instructor that teaches students, not poses. A good yoga instructor will push you to challenge yourself, while honoring limitations and offering options for you. Consider the yoga studio and fellow classmates. Is there a sense of community? Warmth? Peace?

You may just have found All Hearts Hatha Yoga and Carol Klammer.                          IA


~ Herbert Benson, MD, pioneer in mind/body medicine, and author of The Relaxation Response:     “Ideally, medicine would call upon self-care for 60 to 90 percent of the everyday problems that patients experience. We would draw appropriately on the medicines and surgeries when necessary. All three legs are necessary.  “